Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sagittarius Lunation December 6 - January 4/5

This is a good cycle for defining future needs. Slowly and patiently work toward your goals. Avoid getting caught up in the mind games of others. Put your imagination to work to improve your everyday life and relationships. Celebrate the holidays from a perspective of love and abundance, regardless of temporary limitations. 

Questions you might explore for personal insight include: When do you feel most adventurous? What subject would you choose to study or what country would you visit if you had all the necessary resources? How do you motivate and inspire others? Where and with whom would life be easier if you were a little less self-righteous or a little more careful? 

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Libra Lunation October 7 - November 5

This is an excellent month to examine your relationships, considering the balance of give and take within each one. Take time to process your feelings as they arise. Look carefully at your interactions with others. Reevaluate your contracts and commitments. Question your motives. Are you projecting your subconscious desires onto your partner?

Other questions you might explore for personal insight include: When do you feel most social? What things do you find easiest and hardest to share? How do you regain your equilibrium when realizing you're out of balance? Where and with whom would life be easier if you were to make compromises?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Leo Lunation August 9 - September 7, 2010

This is an excellent cycle to consider what brings you pleasure. Think of a joyful childhood memory. Hold that feeling for a few moments and observe it in action. Where in your body does that joyful feeling first bubble up? Now think of a "feel good" moment  you experienced recently. Any difference in feeling?

When do you feel most confident? What warms your heart? How do you express your authentic self? Where and with whom would life be easier if you were more attentive, appreciative and respectful?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cancer Lunation July 11 - August 9, 2010

This is an excellent cycle to review the family history. Do some emotional role playing. How were your parents and siblings feeling during your first 2 or 3 years in the family? Meditate on the image of a fictional family portrait. Study the facial expressions and body language displayed in the image. What feelings and memories come up for reflection?

Pay attention to your feelings. What hunger gets triggered by your emotions? When does it happen? How do you feed it? Where and with whom would life be easier if you were more receptive, reflective, and responsive?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Gemini Lunation June 12 - July 10, 2010

This is an excellent cycle to focus your thoughts. Open your mind to new ways of thinking. Meditate on the image of washing your hands, better yet, wash your hands while holding the idea that you are cleansing your mind of toxic thoughts. Ask for illumination.

Pay attention to your vocabulary for insight to your unconscious thought processes. What words do you use repeatedly? Listen carefully to what others are telling you and, once again, pay attention to the words being used to influence your opinions. What words trigger your emotions? How and where would it serve you best to listen more closely and communicate with greater clarity?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Taurus Lunation May 13 - June 12, 2010

Simplicity is key.

This is an excellent cycle to focus on the idea of sustainability. Develop a plan to support your  vision of the future. Make lists of what you have already and what you will need to achieve your goals.

What talents do you possess that can be used to further your objective? Consider your personal values. Do they align with or oppose you fulfillment? How and where would it serve you best to be more patient, work a little harder, or be less wasteful?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Aries Lunation April 14 - May 13, 2010

This is an excellent cycle to focus on bringing something new into your life. Create a Treasure Map or a Vision Board.

Think about the roles you've played in life and how you have identified with them. Who are you now and who are you becoming? What structures in your life support your vision for the future and what habits get in the way of your fulfillment? How and where could you be more independent, innovative and courageous?

See the New Moon Chart and read more about this cycle in the current edition of the Zodiac Arts Newsletter.